Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Just Your Average Bus Ride...

Schools out. Finally. At least for the day it is. One more week till break, but hey, I've waited a whole year so I can wait a few more days. Well, I can, but I can't speak for all the school, especially for one specific person on my bus. Actually after today's little incident I probably can, and let's just say she wants to be out of school (and off the bus) reeeeeal bad. Let me explain...

It is 2:25 p.m. and all is calm on the bus. At least for now. We pull into the neighborhood, arrive at the first stop, and everyone gets out. Or so the bus driver thinks. So he starts pulling away.

Boom! Boom! Boom! I hear someone running in the back of the bus. I look back and this girl is coming down the aisle with her backpack flying everywhere hitting seats (and probably people). She gets up to the bus driver, but he hasn't noticed her so the bus is still rollin'. She turns around and gives everyone on the bus a look which I can imagine says "is this stupid driver really not going to stop for me?". Not in a pathetic kind of way but more in a "who the heck does he think he is" kind of way.

But hold up. If you are feeling sorry for her, just stop right there. I should tell you that there is about 300ft between stop A and stop B, and what comes next from her is just ruuuuuude.

"Excuseuh me? Did you not hear me yelling at you to stop?" she yells in a loud, obnoxious, and overly dramatic way. The bus driver stops, opens the door, and then the girl rolls her eyes and gets out. Hey hun! You don't own the world ya know and you could do with learning some manners. Yeah thanks.

Please, if I ever become that way, just slap me across the face. Seriously.


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