Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Fight Club

Hey everyone, it's been awhile, but I have quite a story for you all, and I have a few friends along with me to help tell it. Before we begin, I should probably fill you in on the scenario... I've been at the beach for the past few days with some friends, most you know, but one you don't; Sandy, Noodles, Ursula, and Snooks. This evening the crew and I headed down to the boardwalk on, *insert frightening music here*, the city bus. In addition to the five of us, we also had Sandy's sister, Sandy's cousin, and a friend of Sandy's sister.

So moving on. The beginning of the evening went off pretty smoothly, but then it got to be time to head home on the bus. It was just before 11, and the under 21 club was just getting out---with it many, and I mean many, trashy people. One of these trashy people just happened to be our entertainment for the evening...and not how you think. So the story begins.

We are waiting at the bus stop right outside of this club when a guy comes out of the club, probably no older than 16, and starts smoking a cigarette. Immediately, two girls came out of the club and ran right to the guy. The one girl, who will soon be the main subject of this blog, said in a raspy voice that only years of smoking could bring, "I don't normally smoke but do you have any more?" Please do mind that this girl was 16. After all of us agreed that smoking was disgusting, and frankly so was the girl, we boarded the bus that had just arrived. Unfortunately, the trashy, raspy, smoker-girl also boarded the bus along with her friend.

Even worse, the girl happened to sit right next to Snooks----even though we were at the first stop and the bus was empty. Now the drama starts. We've been trying to think of a name to call her, and names such as "hoebag", "whore", "scum", and "dirt" keep popping into our minds, but we don't even feel she deserves that, so from now on, she will just be referred to as "the girl". So for the first 20 blocks of the bus ride (we had to go 90), the girl kept making little snide remarks about us to her friend. Things like "who do they think they are?" and such and such. You should also know that we were only talking quietly to one another, if that. One of us even had our iPod in. We were definitely not talking to the classless girl she was.

After about 50 blocks, Sandy's sister was trying to figure out how long it was until 11:11---to make her wish in all. They were trying to multiply basic numbers, practically third grade math, without a calculator when the girl commented, "'dis ain't math class, I don't wanna hear your comments". Like we wanted to hear hers, which clearly we could. The girl's rude comments led Sandy's sister to lean over to her friend and quickly whisper something along the lines of "Do you see that girl over there making faces at us?" This caused the insecure freak of a girl to burst out "Do you want to tell me something?" Sandy's sister is more on the quiet/reserved side, and she turned white in the face, not even knowing what to say. Stuttering "no no no no", Snooks interrupted Sandy's sister, faced the girl and said firmly, "Leave her alone she wasn't talking to you." That ensued the girl's most common comeback: "Was I talking to you? Was I talking to you?" The girl shook her head with sass and said it again, "Was I talking to you, little girl??"

Snooks then said, "No, but you were talking to them, and I'm with them. You have no right to talk to them like that. And you have no right to call me little girl, I'm the same age as you." The girl, in her wasted, raspy voice said, "I don't care if we are the same age, I wasn't talking to you, little girl." Snooks decided to leave the girl alone, clearly she had issues (too many to list), but the girl kept on pestering her with scathingly rude remarks. While this was going on, a random girl standing on the bus in front of the girl, started patting her on the head saying "You need to calm down" over and over again. After this the girl kept muttering comments to her friend about us for the next 30ish streets. But don't worry the drama continues.

When we got off the bus, we exited through the door closer to the back, little did we know that the girl and her friend got off at the same stop just through the front door. We started to walk off the bus, when they cut us off, asking Sandy's sister if she has anything to say to her. At this point, Sandy and Sandy's sister run away, while Snooks, Ursula, and I calmly walked away. Then the girl repeated again, "do you have anything you guys want to say to me, huh, huh?" Before Snooks could retaliate, I tried to peacefully calm the situation by saying "I think there was a misunderstanding, no one was talking to to you." Then the girl sneered, yet again, "was I talking to you?" And that is when I lost it, and said "I'm with them, and if you're talking to them you're talking to me." Yet again, the girl sneered "was I talking to you?" It was kind of odd because, yes at that point, she was talking to me...I was so furious, Ursula had to pull me away from the situation, pushing my head forward every time I turned to look back.

   The girl suddenly screamed, "NASTY ASS BITCHES!" as we walked away. I said a bit quieter, "have you looked in the mirror?" As all this was taking place, our bus was still about 15ft ahead of us, stopped at a green light. It didn't pull away until each of the parties walked our own way. We assumed that one of the passengers who saw the original altercation said something to the bus driver to make him wait, just to ensure that everyone was safe in case a fight broke out. As bad as this situation was, this bus waiting to make sure we were OK give us a little more faith in today's society.

Not only does it give me a little more faith in society, it gives me a lot of confidence in my friends. I know they are going to stand up for me in tough spots like this. But if you want to know where the girl's friend was, well, she didn't say a word the whole time, and once we got onto the street she walked away right when it started---embarrassed.

Thankfully, all eight of us made it safely back to the room with class in hand. Although we seriously wanted to lay a hand on her, we didn't stoop down to her level and walked away leaving her sorry ass there.

By the way, if any of you know Ke$ha, this girl made Ke$ha look like a freaking saint. No joke.

Ursula says: "If a trash truck drove by, they would have picked her up to put her where she belongs."

Amanda, Sandy, Noodles, Ursula, and Snooks

Friday, July 8, 2011

You're a.......six?

Sorry I haven't posted in a while....Oopsie.

We've all played those games such as: would you rather, you have to kill one, marry one, and f**k one, and of course the classic rate this person. They seem like harmless, not awkward games that can lead to some funny and pretty interesting conversations! But what happens when someone asks you to rate them?

It starts off as an innocent conversation, --see "Long, Awkward, and Boring Conversations" --and it ends in that sticky situation of whether you should tell the person the truth or not. They normally start off simple too:

Ratee: Hey
Soon to be victimized rater: Hey! What's up?
Ratee: Nothing, but I have a q lol
Very soon to be victimized rater: what?
Ratee: What do you think about me....(:
Victim: Uhm....what do you mean?
Ratee: Like......on a scale of 1 to super awesomely beautiful
Dead: idk
Ratee: I hate you.
You: that's cool

And the conversation is ruined along with whatever friendship you had.

I mean, my friend Doctah M and I both agree, this was agreed over Twitter, that it's an awkward thing to be asked what a person should be rated. It's just plain weird.

I think everyone's been asked the question too, like how do you respond to "how pretty/hot am i? 1-10?" Honestly, you're a three but since I'm nice you're a six(: Now I normally stick to the middle numbers just to be safe. Not too mean, not too "ohmigod you're soooo hot!" It works, most of the time too...But even then it just feels awkward to rate someone. It pretty much puts a price on the person in my perspective? "Oh, how much do I cost?" "$4.78" Yeah, okay, it doesn't make a lot of sense but whatever, it makes some sense, kind of. Anyway, Doctah M and I can both say the position is awkward and you shouldn't ask other people's opinions on your looks because you're probably really pretty or cute or handsome or whatever anyway and you shouldn't rely on other people's opinions but your own. Just saying for a future self confidence booster. It honestly doesn't matter because when you grow up you're going to be old, saggy, and wrinkly anyway...Unless you get plastic surgery.

XOXO Sarah

Sunday, June 26, 2011

The Ah-Ha Moment

featuring Sydney (again).

In response to Sarah's "Happy Endings SUCK." I couldn't help but write my own opinion on movies. Sure, the happy endings in movies are usually fake and corny, but no matter what movie it is, there is always that moment when two characters realize that they are meant to be together. I call this the Ah-Ha Moment.

Sydney: After the climax of every film, there always seems to be this moment in which the two star-crossed lovers finally succumb to their feelings and realize that they want to be together. Usually, one of them, suppressed with an inward struggle (probably the man trying to hold on to whatever shred of manhood he can), tries to deny the fact that yes, he has fallen madly in love with the beautiful damsel in distress. Luckily for the romance addicted audience, true love overcomes all, inspirational music plays, and the two characters stare madly into each others' eyes and share a passionate kiss. Whoopee, love wins!

Me: Wow... who uses words like "succumb"? Just kidding. I do. (Sydney: No, I do.) I read over what she wrote, and she may sound all pensive and eloquent (Sydney: Damn straight.) , but if you could see her at this moment, she is wearing a freaking sombrero. (Sydney: It is my thinking cap.) I just can't take her seriously--therefore, I continue.

The other day, I was watching the movie Just Go With It, with my friend Sandy and Noodles. Sandy had already seen this movie twice, and Noodles, well, let's just say that she doesn't really get into the romantic aspects of movies the way I do. So, I was sitting there on the couch, enjoying the movie (real quick, so you have some idea what I'm talking about---the movie is about a guy who wants to get this younger girl, but she thinks that he is getting a divorce, so he makes up this fake wife---and then he asks one of his best girl-friends to pretend to be the wife he is divorcing). If you have any common sense (and some idea about what always happens in these types of movies) you can predict the ending---not to spoiler it or anything.

As the Ah-Ha Moment was occurring, and the two main characters on the screen were gazing deeply into each others' eyes, my two friends were talking obnoxiously and about nonsense. While they were talking, I had to use precious oxygen in order to tell them to shut up; consequently, making even more noise and drowning out my scene. They continued blathering on, until finally they shut their pie-holes and I was able to catch the last few moments of the Ah-Ha moment. Thanks guys. >:(

Amanda and Sydney

P.S. Sydney wants me to write (XOXO, Gossip Girl) and Sandy says "hi" because she has nothing else intelligent to say (except she made up that last line)